2. Yi, X.✉, Kontopoulos, D.-G., and Hiller, M.✉ (2025). Comprehensive phylogenetic reconstructions support ancestral omnivory in the ecologically diverse bat family Phyllostomidae bioRxiv 2025.02.04.636560.
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1. Kontopoulos, D.-G.✉, Patmanidis, I., Barraclough, T., and Pawar, S. (2024). Changes in flexibility but not in compactness underlie the thermal adaptation of prokaryotic adenylate kinases. bioRxiv 2024.09.04.611173.
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17. Morales, A.E.†, Dong, Y.†, Brown, T., Baid, K., Kontopoulos, D.-G., Gonzalez, V., Huang, Z., Ahmed, A.-W., Bhuinya, A., Hilgers, L., Winkler, S., Hughes, G., Li, X., Lu, P., Yang, Y., Kirilenko, B.M., Devanna, P., Lama, T.M., Nissan, Y., Pippel, M., Dávalos, L.M., Vernes, S.C., Puechmaille, S.J., Rossiter, S.J., Yovel, Y., Prescott, J.B., Kurth, A., Ray, D.A., Lim, B.K., Myers, E., Teeling, E.C., Banerjee, A., Irving, A.T.✉, and Hiller, M.✉ (2025). Bat genomes illuminate adaptations to viral tolerance and disease resistance. Nature.
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15. Kontopoulos, D.-G.✉, Sentis, A., Daufresne, M., Glazman, N., Dell, A.I., and Pawar, S. (2024). No universal mathematical model for thermal performance curves across traits and taxonomic groups. Nature Communications 15:8855.
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14. Pawar, S.✉, Huxley, P.J.✉, Smallwood, T.R.C., Nesbit, M.L., Chan, A.H.H., Shocket, M.S., Johnson, L.R., Kontopoulos, D.-G., and Cator, L.J.✉ (2024). Variation in temperature of peak trait performance constrains adaptation of arthropod populations to climatic warming. Nature Ecology & Evolution 8:500-510.
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13. Kirilenko, B.M., Munegowda, C., Osipova, E., Jebb, D., Sharma, V., Blumer, M., Morales, A.E., Ahmed, A.-W., Kontopoulos, D.-G., Hilgers, L., Lindblad-Toh, K., Karlsson, E.K., Zoonomia Consortium, and Hiller, M.✉ (2023). Integrating gene annotation with orthology inference at scale. Science 380(6643):eabn3107.
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12. Smith, T.P.✉, Mombrikotb, S., Ransome, E., Kontopoulos, D.-G., Pawar, S., and Bell, T. (2022). Latent functional diversity may accelerate microbial community responses to temperature fluctuations. eLife 11:e80867.
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11. Kordas, R.L., Pawar, S., Kontopoulos, D.-G., Woodward, G., and O’Gorman, E.J.✉ (2022). Metabolic plasticity can amplify ecosystem responses to global warming. Nature Communications 13:2161.
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10. Kontopoulos, D.-G.✉, Smith, T.P., Barraclough, T.G., and Pawar, S. (2020). Adaptive evolution shapes the present-day distribution of the thermal sensitivity of population growth rate. PLOS Biology 18(10):e3000894.
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9. Kontopoulos, D.-G.✉, van Sebille, E., Lange, M., Yvon-Durocher, G., Barraclough, T.G., and Pawar, S. (2020). Phytoplankton thermal responses adapt in the absence of hard thermodynamic constraints. Evolution 74(4):775-790. 
[Top Cited Article 2020-2021 in Evolution]
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8. García-Carreras, B.✉, Sal, S., Padfield, D., Kontopoulos, D.-G., Bestion, E., Schaum, C.-E., Yvon-Durocher, G., and Pawar, S.✉ (2018). Role of carbon allocation efficiency in the temperature dependence of autotroph growth rates. PNAS 115(31):E7361-E7368.
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7. Kumbhar, R., Vidal-Eychenié, S., Kontopoulos, D.-G., Larroque, M., Larroque, C., Basbous, J., Kossida, S., Ribeyre, C., and Constantinou, A.✉ (2018). Recruitment of ubiquitin-activating enzyme UBA1 to DNA by poly(ADP-ribose) promotes ATR signalling. Life Science Alliance 1(3):e201800096.
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6. Kontopoulos, D.-G.✉, García-Carreras, B., Sal, S., Smith, T.P., and Pawar, S. (2018). Use and misuse of temperature normalisation in meta-analyses of thermal responses of biological traits. PeerJ 6:e4363.
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5. Kontopoulos, D.-G.✉, Kontopoulou, T., Ho, H.-C., and García-Carreras, B. (2017). Towards a theoretically informed policy against a rakghoul plague outbreak. The Medical Journal of Australia 207(11):490-494.
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4. Kontopoulos, D.G.✉, Vlachakis, D.✉, Tsiliki, G., and Kossida, S. (2016). Structuprint: a scalable and extensible tool for two-dimensional representation of protein surfaces. BMC Structural Biology 16:4.
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3. Kontopoulou, T.†,✉, Kontopoulos, D.G.†, Vaidakis, E., and Mousoulis, G.P. (2015). Adult Kawasaki disease in a European patient: a case report and review of the literature. Journal of Medical Case Reports 9:75.
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2. Vlachakis, D., Kontopoulos, D.G., and Kossida, S.✉ (2013). Space Constrained Homology Modelling: The Paradigm of the RNA-Dependent RNA Polymerase of Dengue (Type II) Virus. Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 2013:108910.
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1. Kontopoulos, D.-G., and Glykos, N.M.✉ (2013). Pinda: A Web service for detection and analysis of intraspecies gene duplication events. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 111(3):711-714.
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